We See

Sleep Disorders

Get a better night's sleep

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Unrefreshing and disrupted sleep is common in chronic health conditions, including CFS/ME,  chronic pain/fibromyalgia and OI & POTS, however, it can be treated separately. We pride ourselves on noticing sleep disorders and taking action to help you regain some control of your sleep.


What causes poor sleep?

Poor sleep can be caused by one or a combination of the following things. We can investigate your current sleep patterns and help you make changes to get a better sleep.

Poor sleep depth

Irregular sleeping times

Not getting enough sleep

A sleep disorder

What are sleep disorders?

A sleep disorder is a medical condition where there is a problem with a person's sleep. Sleep apnoea is a common sleep disorder and there are two main types: obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) and central sleep apnoea (CSA).

OSA is the most common type of sleep apnoea. OSA is a partial or complete blockage of a person's airways while they're asleep, which makes them stop or almost stop breathing for short periods of time.

CSA is when a person stops or almost stops breathing for short periods of time while they're asleep because the brain momentarily 'forgets' to tell the body to breathe. CSA includes narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia.

Sleep disorders can cause fatigue, or exist alongside a fatigue or pain syndrome. Our team is experienced in identifying sleep disorders and managing them so that they don't develop into a pain or fatigue syndrome.

Our Sleep Disorder Program


Our sleep disorders program is focused on sleep but takes a holistic approach. We will do a thorough assessment of your health during your first appointment.

The sessions focus on:

Understanding the neurophysiology of your condition

Movement guidelines/ exercise advice

Trigger identification and modification

What to do when you have a setback

Parasympathetic activity / Relaxation techniques

How to identify your body’s stress response

Stress, anxiety and mood management strategies

Symptom Mapping

Identifying the demands of your activity and your capacity (using a variety of tools eg. heart rate monitors, heart rate variability and activity diaries)

Pacing strategies (physically, mentally, socially, environmentally, emotionally)

Goal setting and/or gradual exposure strategies

Causes of sleep disturbances and techniques to help with sleep

Mindfulness exercises and how to live more mindfully

DIM/SIMS – Threats and safety to the mind/body

Return to work planning


If necessary, we can also refer you to a sleep physician to have a sleep test or medication prescribed.

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Cost and questions

For program costs and rebates available, please call the clinic. 

Do I need a referral? What if I can't get to your clinic?

A referral isn't always necessary however may impact on your ability to get a rebate - speak to our friendly reception staff and they can help you.

Our clinics are located in Blackburn, Mornington, Bendigo & Essendon, Victoria, however, all services are offered via telehealth also. 

Am I just fatigued or do I have a sleep disorder

Sleep disorders can often be misdiagnosed as fatigue. Sleep disorders are diagnosed through an overnight sleep study followed by a sleep latency test the next day. These tests are done by a sleep physician, usually at a hospital or sleep clinic. You can get a referral to a sleep physician through your GP. We can communicate with your GP and recommend a sleep physician who is the right fit for you.

If you have been feeling fatigued and are not sure why, we can help you work out if it's caused by a sleep disorder or something else.

Do I need a diagnosis?

No, you don't need a diagnosis before you see us. If you have been feeling tired and are not sure why or think you might have a sleep disorder, we can help you work out if it is a sleep disorder or something else that's causing your fatigue. If you do already have a sleep disorder diagnosed we can help you manage it through our individualised program.

Dietetics in Sleep Disorders

Sleep disorders can have an impact on a person's ability to get enough nutrition over the day. From simply sleeping for long periods over the day, particularly during 'regular' meal times; to being on medication that has appetite suppressing side effects.


Our dietitians use a combination of strategies to get people eating enough again, while working around your sleep patterns.

Some topics that may be covered to support you and your body with your sleep disorder includes: 

Strategies to assist with the management of gastrointestinal symptoms - using food based approaches and/or other nervous system based strategies.

Support with weight restoration, stability and maintenance, when appropriate.

Understanding appetite and support with regular eating to support nutritional adequacy.

Eating patterns to improve energy levels and support overall wellbeing.

What Our Patients Are Saying

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